How Can AI Help You Write Better Blog Content?

Having a blog for your small business is a great way to showcase your expertise and products. AI can help you do it better – if you know how to use it, and what to ask of it.

Here are 7 ways in which AI can help you write better blog content.

1. Use AI to do keyword research:

lisech marketing strategy consulting,ai content writing,seo content,blog contentRegardless of whether you are trying to attract visitors from search engines or social media, you will need to know what people are actively searching for. Plus, if you do plan to go after search engine traffic, you will need to know how tough the competition is for any given search term – so you can go after the easier ones.

You may want to use an AI powered keyword research tool like TwinWord

2. Use AI to generate blog topic ideas:

Once you have your keywords, simply plug any one of them into your favorite AI language machine (like ChatGPT), and ask it to generate say, ten potential topic ideas.

Pick the one that is most likely to resonate with your audience.

3. Use AI to generate SEO titles:

Aside from the topics, you can have the AI generate a selection of potential titles which not only contain the right keywords, but is also likely to generate curiosity and attract visitors to your blog.

4. Use AI to suggest the content structure:

Using AI, especially newer (paid) versions that can connect to the internet, you can have the AI look at the current top results in Google, and how those are structured in terms of sub-topics, sub-headings, section lengths, etc.

This will allow you to create a blog post that is comparable to the top results in Google, and is likely to provide great value to your website’s visitors.

5. Use the AI to generate base content:

Fair enough, you should ideally rewrite the content the AI generates – purely because it might offer the same piece to someone else asking the same question later on, which would result in duplicate content (or maybe it already happened).

However, you can – within seconds – have the necessary material for your blog post, which can be great and unique once you re-write it.

6. Use the AI for search engine optimization:

When you give the proper prompt to the AI language machine, it can generate a blog post which not only has the main keyword sprinkled throughout – and proper tags for sub-sections – but also some relevant secondary keywords (for which you might also rank eventually), and latent keywords (related keyword that provide context
and add value tot he post).

7. Use AI to generate a call to action:

Instead of having a generic call to action after every blog post, you could let AI tailor one which bridges the gap between the content of the blog post, and what you offer.

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