
How can we help you?

Identify goals

What are your marketing goals? Fair enough, you will be looking at sales targets, lead generation, etc. That being said, what are your targets for market share and market penetration? What are your targets for growing your brand along with your market share?
What does your competition look like? How will you differentiate yourself from them in order to minimize direct competition?
On the flip side, do you have the necessary resources to reach those targets? Consider the size of your potential market share and the competition you are up against, measure your resources in terms of running capital and human resources, and set smart targets.

Brand strategy

Do you have a brand strategy? Setting goals is one thing, but without a sensible strategy your chances of reaching your goals are slim to none. How will you achieve your branding objectives? How will you make the best of your branding budget? If you, or the people working for you, will be doing social media marketing, how will you make the most of their time? If your brand strategy doesn’t actively grow your brand, where will that leave you in five years from now? How much less will your brand be worth if you don’t have a plan?

Marketing strategy

Does your marketing strategy cover all of the 7 P’s of marketing? These are your product/s (or service/s), your pricing strategy, your promotional strategy, your packaging choices, the place where you offer those products or services (premises, online or both) your positioning in the market and the people you want to market to. If any one of the seven is left out, it could hurt your sales, and keep you from reaching your marketing objectives, or it may cost you more to reach those goals than anticipated. Don’t let a lack of planning hold you back from achieving the results you aim for.

Brand identity

Many people think that slapping up a logo means you have a brand identity. There is, however,
much, much more to it than that. Yes, there is the logo, the colors, the fonts, website etc., but that is
just the visible part of your brand’s identity.
There is also the matter of your brand’s voice, your mission and vision, and your brand’s positioning.
All of these will help you to stand out from the competition, even though what you offer may not be
that different.
Your brand identity is the start of how your clients and/or customers will ultimately perceive your
brand. As such, it is crucial to get it right.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is essential not only for generating visitors, leads and sales, but also for reputation management. On the one hand it allows you to connect with potential clients or customers, but on the other hand it allows you to collect feedback. Social media marketing also allows you to present your content, in whichever form it may be, not only to people who may become your clients or customers, but also to people who are likely to share your content with others, who in turn may want to do business with you. For best results, a combination of organic social engagement and paid advertising is recommended.

Content marketing

Content marketing can help you to not only showcase your products or services, but also to establish your expertise. It can be used to generate substantial amounts of traffic to your website, which in turn can convert into leads and/or sales.
Content could be in the form of website content, blog posts, videos, ebooks, spreadsheets,
presentations, or any other form of content that will (a) be of interest to your audience, and (b)
reach your target market.
Content marketing can rely on free, organic traffic from search engines and social media, but it can also be combined with targeted paid advertising to reach your target audience.